Sunday, October 17, 2010

Pizza of the past (part three)

   In the last post, I mentioned that this pizza was its own style. It is. It is not the deep dish type of Chicago style pizza. It is not the flatter, spread out New York style pizza.
   Its depth is between Chicago and New york style. The sauce is mixed with onions. The onions are so fine that you do not notice their texture, just their flavor. The only cheese used is mozzarella. It covers the slice perfectly like a sleeping bag. Wrapping around the slice, slightly, to blanket the sauce. The cheese is thick and laid on in a pretty large quantity. But, it is not sloppy. It stays on perfect and is slightly browned, especially on the crust. the crust is crispy and solid in flavor. The crispness of the crust could be a trademark. The rest of the pizza is has some bend and some give--but not too much.
   It is exactly as I remember. A great pizza overall. This place is a hidden gem of a pizza joint; a true diamond in the rough. 

   The flavor brings back the memories mentioned in the previous post. Though, those memories are overpowered by the pleasure applied to my pallet and the joy this piece of art brings to my eyes.
   This pizza is not the greatest with vegetables and actually is better with little to no toppings. Peperoni and sausage would suffice, but just peperoni would be perfect. I gave up red meat, so plain cheese was absolute bliss. If you ever find yourself in Barberton, OH, I definitely recommend Peppi's and Luigi's.


  1. I now have a reason to go to Barberton! My mouth is watering!

  2. I've been living in Barberton and never been there. You've convinced me to go.
